A standardized physical training session consists of three essential
elements: warm–up, activity, and cool–down. These elements are
integrated to produce the desired training effect. More importantly,
every standardized physical training session must have a specific
purpose. This purpose, to prepare you for the physical demands of IMT,
follows a recommended rate of progression, specific to each individual’s
tolerance to the current level of training. There are three stages of
standardized progression: initial, improvement, and maintenance.
The initial conditioning stage includes light muscular endurance
activities and moderate–level Cardiorespiratory endurance activities
that produce minimal muscle soreness and control injuries. This stage
usually lasts up to four weeks and is dependent upon the individual’s
adaptation to exercise. The duration of the main activity during the
initial stage will begin with approximately 15 to 20 minutes and may
progress to 30 minutes. Individual goals are established by your
Recruiter early in your exercise program and are reflected in where
you start in the training schedule. These goals are realistic and provide
personal rewards. The initial stage is the Walk–to–Run Program and the
muscular strength and endurance sessions conducted in weeks one
through four.
The goal of the improvement stage is to provide a gradual increase in
the overall exercise stimulus to allow for more significant improvements
in your fitness level. As an example, you will exercise at a moderate
to vigorous intensity for 20 to 30 minutes continuously. This is shown
through the increased running times in the running progression and
the increased number of sets and repetitions in Conditioning Drill 2 and
Conditioning Drill 3.
The goal of the maintenance stage is the long–term maintenance of
the Cardiorespiratory and muscular strength and endurance fitness
developed during the weeks spent in the improvement stage. This stage
of the standardized physical fitness training program begins when you
have reached the pre–established fitness goals set by your Recruiter.
Your exercise program will incorporate levels of intensity, frequency,
and duration consistent with the objective of preparing you physically
for the challenges of IMT. All standardized physical training sessions in
this program have been developed using this model. Your Recruiter will
guide you through the 12–week PRE–BCT Standardized Physical Training
Schedule, and he or she will monitor your performance with periodic
assessments. Your Recruiter will provide instruction to you regarding
your participation in this program. As an example, your Recruiter will
assess your fitness level with the 1–1–1 Physical Fitness Assessment.
A standardized physical training session consists of three essential
elements: warm–up, activity, and cool–down. These elements are
integrated to produce the desired training effect. More importantly,
every standardized physical training session must have a specific
purpose. This purpose, to prepare you for the physical demands of IMT,
follows a recommended rate of progression, specific to each individual’s
tolerance to the current level of training. There are three stages of
standardized progression: initial, improvement, and maintenance.
The initial conditioning stage includes light muscular endurance
activities and moderate–level Cardiorespiratory endurance activities
that produce minimal muscle soreness and control injuries. This stage
usually lasts up to four weeks and is dependent upon the individual’s
adaptation to exercise. The duration of the main activity during the
initial stage will begin with approximately 15 to 20 minutes and may
progress to 30 minutes. Individual goals are established by your
Recruiter early in your exercise program and are reflected in where
you start in the training schedule. These goals are realistic and provide
personal rewards. The initial stage is the Walk–to–Run Program and the
muscular strength and endurance sessions conducted in weeks one
through four.
The goal of the improvement stage is to provide a gradual increase in
the overall exercise stimulus to allow for more significant improvements
in your fitness level. As an example, you will exercise at a moderate
to vigorous intensity for 20 to 30 minutes continuously. This is shown
through the increased running times in the running progression and
the increased number of sets and repetitions in Conditioning Drill 2 and
Conditioning Drill 3.
The goal of the maintenance stage is the long–term maintenance of
the Cardiorespiratory and muscular strength and endurance fitness
developed during the weeks spent in the improvement stage. This stage
of the standardized physical fitness training program begins when you
have reached the pre–established fitness goals set by your Recruiter.
Your exercise program will incorporate levels of intensity, frequency,
and duration consistent with the objective of preparing you physically
for the challenges of IMT. All standardized physical training sessions in
this program have been developed using this model. Your Recruiter will
guide you through the 12–week PRE–BCT Standardized Physical Training
Schedule, and he or she will monitor your performance with periodic
assessments. Your Recruiter will provide instruction to you regarding
your participation in this program. As an example, your Recruiter will
assess your fitness level with the 1–1–1 Physical Fitness Assessment.
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